洋書英語「Vintage Fabrics:Identification & Value Guide/上質の織物生地:鑑定と価値のガイド」Judith Scoqqin Cridley,Joan
Reed Kiplinqer & Jessie Cridley McClure著 2006年 Collector Books発行 定価:$19.95 158頁 27.3×21.6×0.8㎝ 0.53㎏ paperback
(商品説明) Vintage Fabrics is an identification and pictorial guide to common vintage fabrics of all fibers from 1880 to 1959, with emphasis on history and origins of fabrics, construction, and how fabrics were used for home and fashion.
Including vintage advertisements and more than 450 photographs, this handbook fills a void in fabric information. Charts, glossaries, and photos are extended to include a wider range of cotton, silks, and wools, plus early rayons and nylons, with their specific names, which are not featured in most general books on old fabrics.
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