英語/文学「日本におけるブレイク研究/Blake Studies in Japan: A Bibliography of Works on William Blake Published in Japan 1893-1993」G. E. Bentley, Jr.(トロント大学)/青山恵子(学習院大学)[著] In commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of the Japan Association of English Romanticism/イギリスロマン派学会(日本)創立20周年記念 1994年12月24日発行 目次他25頁+189頁+図版12頁 2,800円 0.54㎏ 25.7×18.2×1.4㎝ Softcover
【レビューより】The arrival of G. E. Bentley’s comprehensive bibliography, Blake Studies in Japan, may be a surprise to Western scholars, for it tells an unexpected story of Blake scholarship burgeoning in Japan from as early as the 1910s. The bibliography is organized, like his Blake Books, into six parts: “Blake’s Writings,” “Reproductions of Blake’s Art,” “Commercial Book-Engravings,” “Bibliographies and Catalogues,” “Books Blake Owned,” and “Scholarship and Criticism.” Though it shares basically the material compiled in his recent Blake Books Supplement (1995), Blake Studies in Japan is more than an excerpt of the Japan-related entries from the former; it contains new discoveries after the completion of the Blake Books Supplement manuscript and, more significantly, a valuable introduction, which is particularly rewarding for scholars who wish to understand the history of Blake’s reception in Japan. The introduction is an informative story of “East meets West,” with Blake being an intersection, “from the point of view of a western scholar” (xvi). I wish here, however, to supplement that account by telling the same story from within the Japanese scholarly tradition, so that my review, together with Bentley’s introduction, may serve as a good invitation to his bibliography.……
【ウィキペディア】イギリス・ロマン派学会(イギリス・ロマンはがっかい、英文名 Japan Association of English Romanticism)は、イギリス・ロマン主義文学を研究する学会。 事務局を東京都八王子市東中野742-1中央大学商学部笹川研究室および東京都文京区本郷4-1-14音羽書房鶴見書店内に置いている。
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