英語「New Japanese Political Economy and Political Reform:Political Revolution from Above/新たな日本の政治経済と政治改革:上からの政治革命」中野実編著 Japanese Studies Series 2002年 European Press Academic Publishing発行 330頁 22.5×14.7×2.5cm 0.62kg hardcover dustjacket
(Abstract) Since its economic bubble burst in the early 1990s, Japan has been in the clutches of a long economic recession. In order to recover from this "lost decade," the Japanese government has gone ahead with the deregulation and decentralization policies that were already being called for in the 1980s. At the same time, since the end of the 1990s it has been attempting to reshape the whole structure of government by means of far-reaching administrative and political reforms. Today's financial and fiscal crises and recession are all the more serious in view of what came before them. Japan's high economic growth in the 1960s, its quick recovery from the two oil crises of the 1970s, and its rescue in the 1980s of the United States, which had become the world's largest creditor nation: all these prompted Chalmers Johnson and others to talk of the "Japanese economic miracle"(C.Johnson,1982). Behind the sudden fall lie structural problems in the Japanese political economic system itself, both "failures of government" and "failures of private enterprise". The system that produced the world's second largest economy has now caused fiscal bankruptcy on a scale nobody could have predicted. As a result, Japan is no longer looking for ways to repeat its miraculous performances of the past, but simply fighting to survive. This dramatic change forces us to reexamine the Japanese system from the standpoints of both theory and praxis.
(ウィキペディアより) 中野実(なかの みのる、1943年 - 2001年)は、日本の政治学者。専門は、政治過程論、日本政治論。
(本の状態) 経年のため中古感があり、三方軽ヤケ天ヨゴレ表紙にスレ背縁に小イタミがあります。装丁はしっかりしており、中は書き込み等はなく(見落としがありましたらご容赦ください)、概ね並の状態です。本書が中古書であることをご了承の上お買い上げくださいますようお願いいたします。 1237119