【内容紹介】The most exciting photographic portrait of lions ever assembled, In the Lion's Den presents nearly 100 breathtaking photographs of the day-to-day lives of these magnificent wild felines of East Africa's fabled Serengeti plain. Internationally renowned wildlife photographer Mitsuaki Iwago's incredible close-up images convey both the majestic beauty of the lions themselves and the harsh realities of their natural habitat. Whether focusing on lions gathered around a watering hole, patiently teaching their cubs hunting skills, or fearlessly stalking and subduing their prey, each of these masterful photographs displays the superb composition and unfailing technique for which Iwago is renowned. As fascinating as it is awe-inspiring, In the Lions Den will enthrall nature enthusiasts of all ages. 【小学館刊日語原著「ライオン家族」より内容紹介】ライオンの家族生活を徹底的に捉えた写真集。プライドと呼ばれるグループで行動するライオン。アフリカのサバンナで長期取材し、オス、メス、子ども達の生態から自然の大きさと神々しさを感じとれる1冊。