輸入教則本 On the Drums Lesson Plan - Session 1: ドラム教則本  Michael Faeth  日本語化可能動画あり 

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结束时间:03/04/2025 18:48:41








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輸入教則本 On the Drums Lesson Plan - Session 1: The Definitive Book On Beginning Drum Set For Student and Instructor 日本語化可能動画あり

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価格は19ドル+税    発行年----年。

Learn to play the drum set quickly with this beginning drum book and simple drum lessons!!

In this beginning drum book, I have distilled what I think you will need to know to start playing the drum set into simple drum lessons. After the short amount of time it will take you to go through the book, you will know how to play cool drum beats on the drum set. You will be able to play along to some of your favorite songs and start to play in a band. You will also learn basic sticking patterns, or rudiments, so you can continue to practice and get better on the drums.

Upon finishing the drum book, you will have a strong rhythmic foundation that you can build upon and take your drumming to whatever level you wish to. The greatest aspect of playing drums is creating and sharing music with others and having fun doing it. So let’s get started in the fun, rewarding, and exciting world of drumming!!

What makes this beginning drum book unique?:
A checklist of items to learn that helps to keep track of progress.
It is written to be helpful to drum instructors and drum students.
There is room for instructors to add lessons and students to add songs to learn.
Included are accompanying videos demonstrating the lessons.
At the end is a Certificate of Completion to be presented to the student.
With this book, you get a concise lesson plan for anyone interested in learning to play the drum set for the first time. Designed to be used in concert between student and instructor, the book begins with a checklist that outlines the course of study. This makes it easy to keep track of the progress being made, marking off items as they are learned. There is room for the instructor to add additional exercises and for the student to add songs they want to learn. Accompanying the book is a set of videos demonstrating the lessons. At the end of the book is a Certificate of Completion to be presented to the student.
Full of eye-opening information and great resources, this book will help new drummers build confidence and welcome them into the fun, rewarding, and exciting world of drumming!!

Through my experience of being a drummer for over three decades and being a private drum instructor, I am grateful for an opportunity to share some of the things I know about playing the drum set with you.

Table of Contents
Lesson Plan Checklist
Get Started On The Drum Set
Drum Set Components
Stick Technique
Positioning & Posture
Drum Tuning
Writing & Reading Music
Tempo (BPM) & Metronome
Staff, Bars & Measures
Notes & Rests
Time Signatures
Drum Beats
Sticking Rudiments
Playing To Songs
Instructor Additions
Drum Products
Drumming Resources
Inspirational Drummers
Certificate of Completion




1 ~20----180円~200円
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