英語昆虫「Butterflies of the World/世界の蝶」Gilles Martin写真 Myrian Baran文 Simon Jones(仏語より英訳) Abrams刊 2006年発行 224頁 US$35.00 24.8x2.8x29cm 1.69㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket ビニールカバー付
【カバー袖より内容紹介】Butterflies are among the planet's most majestic creatures, their delicate forms sprinkled with brilliant color and rich with texture. More than 200,000 kinds of butterfly and caterpillar have been spotted around the world-that's one in every ten insects. Photographer Gilles Martin brings this extraordinary slice of nature to the page in this gorgeous volume. Martin captures butterflies in spectacular images, while photographs of caterpillars and their metamorphoses invite readers to explore the vast diversity of the species. The pictures are complemented by text from animal behaviorist and nature expert Myriam Baran, who tells would-be lepidopterists everything they need to know about these animals. From the recognizable Monarch to lesser-known types, Butterflies of the World gives readers an all-around look at this magnificent insect.
【カバー袖より著者紹介】・Gilles Martin is an independent photographer living in Touraine, France, and his favourite subject is Nature. Learn more about his art at www.gilles-martin.com.
・ Myriam Baran is an ethologist, naturalist, and author specializing in animal behavior. She has written extensively about ape behaviour, horses, and has contributed to the Encyclopedia Universalis as well as writing documentaries for French television. Butterflies of the World is her second book with Gilles Martin, after Birds of the World, also published by Abrams.
【本の状態】経年のため中古感があり、三方に軽ヤケ小ヨゴレ、カバーに軽スレ縁角軽イタミがあります。装丁はしっかりしており、中は書き込み等はなく(見落としがありましたらご容赦ください)、概ね並の状態です。本書が中古書であることをご了承の上お買い上げくださいますようお願い致します。 11206121912