Debussy Syrinx (La Flte de Pan) for Flute solo 收藏
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开始时间:01/31/2025 22:08:02
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结束时间:02/07/2025 21:08:02
Debussy Syrinx (La Flute de Pan) for Flute solo | |
商品説明 | Debussy Syrinx (La Flute de Pan) for Flute solo Claude Debussy (1862?1918) Syrinx (La Flute de Pan) Edited from a period manuscript Wiener Urtext Edition for: Flute Music score (Urtext edition) Item no. 151632 Author/Composer Claude Debussy Editor Michael Stegemann, Anders Ljungar-Chapelon Level easy?medium Scope 20 pages; 23?×?30.5?cm Release year 1997 Publisher/Producer Wiener Urtext Edition Producer No. UT 50173 Description The posthumous edition has for a long time been regarded as the only known source. However, the new edition by Wiener Urtext Edition is based on a manuscript discovered some years ago. La Flute de Pan was first performed in 1913 by Louis Fleury as anaccompaniment to the play "Psyche" by Gabriel Mourey. The manuscript was discovered in the area where Debussy and Louis Fleury were at the time. This source has made it possible to assign both parts of the work precisely to the corresponding text in the drama. This has been documented through extensive use of pictures and text in the publication. Content ?Preface ?Syrinx ?Notes on the sources ?Flute solo?Woodwinds?Debussy sheet music?Flute?Flute Sheet Music |
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