■質問欄にて英語での解答が求められる落札者様がいらっしゃいます。 英語での解答には対応していませんご了承下さい。 海外発送も対応しません。 Successful bidder whom an answer in English is demanded from with a question column comes. Do not cope with an answer in English; approve. The overseas shipment does not support, too.
It is according to mention in instructions There is the case that Asian successful bidder asks for correspondence. ①It is confirmed whether a business partner is a qualified bill issuance company by the antique business method ②The presentation of the invoice number An invoice system (invoice せいど, English: Invoice reporting) is the system that stocks only the amount of a tax, and can do tax credit listed in an invoice (the application tax rate that a seller is correct for a buyer or bill, statement of delivery to issue to convey the consumption amount of a tax) which a taxation company issues by one of the methods of the stocking tax credit of the consumption tax (value added tax). I do not cope with the issuance of basic receipt bill. As it is not shop store sales people, it is just personal exhibition.