【送料無料】シカゴ(ブラスロック・バンド) Chicago DVD2枚[Live In Japan 1972]+[Second Beginning 1979]ピーター・セテラ,テリー・キャス
① [Live In Japan 1972] 全16曲 91min
G/テリー・キャス, B/ピーター・セテラ, Dr/ダニー・セラフィン,
Key/ロバート・ラム, Tb/ジェイムス・パンコウ, Sax/ウォルター・パラゼイダー, Tp/リー・ロックネン, Dr/ダニー・セラフィン
② [Second Beginning 1979] 全12曲 65min PSVD-198 輸入盤
G/ドニ―・デイカス, B/ピーター・セテラ, Per/ラウヂ―ル・ヂ・オリヴェ,
Key/ロバート・ラム, Tb/ジェイムス・パンコウ, Sax/ウォルター・パラゼイダー, Tp/リー・ロックネン, Dr/ダニー・セラフィン
①は、1972年のオリジナルメンバー7名での1972年日本公演。前年に初来日をしているので2回目の来日公演<日本武道館6/8>の映像のようです。東京12チャンネルの放送用音源と思われますが、時折りカウンターのようなものが入るので放送そのものではないと思います。4枚目のアルバム[CHICAGO 5]をリリースする直前の彼等は、ベトナム戦争真っ盛りの時代でのライヴ活動でもありテロップに流れる訳詞を見ても反体制なものが殆どでテリー・キャスやロバート・ラムの歌声にも尖った憤りの様なものを感じます。ピーター・セテラは髭と髪型から「猿の惑星」のザイアス博士のようで80年代後半の搾り上げたスリムな姿とは別人のようです。テリーキャスとピーターセテラが掛け合いで歌う「DIALOGUE」の会話に時代を感じます。正規盤で出た[Live In Japan’72]レコードは大阪公演で「LOWDOWN」「QUESTIONS 67&68」を北山修訳詞の日本語で歌っているようですが、この武道館では両曲とも英語で歌っています。画像は奇麗ですが時折り(元テープの要因でしょうか?)乱れるところがあります。
②は、1979年のフロリダ州マイアミでのライヴ。こちらもTVショーの映像。1977年にギターのテリー・キャスが銃の暴発で他界した後、かつて1910フルーツガムカンパニーやスティーヴン・スティルス・バンド等でギターを弾いていたドニ―・ディカスが二代目ギターリストとして「CHICAGO 12」「CHICAGO 13」をリリースした頃のライヴ映像で、パーカッション奏者が加入の8人編成です。①ではキャス+ラム+セテラ3人がボーカルを分け合うバランスでしたが70年代後半では、ピーター・セテラのフロントマンとしての位置が固まりつつあり、ドニ―・ディカスのギターとパフォーマンスは(画像を見ればお解かりの通り)老舗ロックバンドになりつつあるシカゴに不似合いな感じです。この後すぐにレイオフされるようです。何といってもピーターの歌声は素晴らしく「IF YOU LEAVE ME NOW=愛ある別れ」はこの時期のシカゴには欠かせないバラードです。またラストで演奏される「STREET PLAYER」も10分位のヴァージョンでこの時期ならではのレパートリーと言えるでしょう。残念なことに画像は悪くないのですが声と映像が少しずれています。80年代にAORに変化しMTVを賑わすひとつ前の時代(低迷期?)の貴重な歴史的映像です。
[Free Shipping] Chicago (Brass Rock Band) Chicago 2 DVDs [Live In Japan 1972] + [Second Beginning 1979] Peter Cetera, Terry Kath
① [Live In Japan 1972] 16 songs 91min
G/Terry Kath, B/Peter Cetera, Dr/Danny Seraphin,
Key/Robert Lamm, Tb/James Pankow, Sax/Walter Parazaider, Tp/Lee Rocknen, Dr/Danny Seraphin
*For detailed song titles, please see image 4.
② [Second Beginning 1979] 12 songs total 65min PSVD-198 Imported version
G/Donny Dacus, B/Peter Cetera, Per/Laudier de Olivet,
Key/Robert Lamm, Tb/James Pankow, Sax/Walter Parazaider, Tp/Lee Rocknen, Dr/Danny Seraphin
*For detailed song titles, please see image 5.
Chicago is the "world's longest-lasting rock group" and a "brass rock band" that has been active since its formation in 1967. The members include keyboardist and vocalist "Robert Lamm", as well as the immovable brass session "Tb/James Pankow", "Sax/Walter Parazaider", and "Tp/Lee Rocknen", and have produced nearly 40 albums and undergone countless member changes. The two DVDs are live footage from their performances in 1972 and 1979 when Peter Cetera was still in the band.
① is from their 1972 Japan tour with the seven original members. They first came to Japan the year before, so this seems to be from their second performance in Japan, Nippon Budokan 6/8. It seems to be a sound source for broadcast on Tokyo Channel 12, but I don't think it's the actual broadcast because there are occasional counters. They were just about to release their fourth album [CHICAGO 5], and they performed live during the height of the Vietnam War, and the translated lyrics on the subtitles are mostly anti-establishment, and the singing voices of Terry Kath and Robert Lamm have a sharp sense of anger. Peter Cetera's beard and hairstyle make him look like Dr. Zaius from "Planet of the Apes," and he seems a different person from his slim, toned figure in the late 1980s. The conversation between Terry Kath and Peter Cetera in "DIALOGUE" gives a sense of the era. The official [Live In Japan '72] record shows "LOWDOWN" and "QUESTIONS 67 & 68" sung in Japanese with lyrics translated by Kitayama Osamu at the Osaka concert, but at the Budokan concert, both songs are sung in English. The image is clear, but there are occasional distortions (perhaps due to the original tape?).
I remember watching this broadcast in real time. At the time, they were all about the Beatles, so there were long interludes with no singing, and I wondered, "Is this music jazz?" Around this time, some of my classmates painted the Chicago logo on their school bags.
② is a live performance in Miami, Florida in 1979. This is also footage from a TV show. This is a live video from around the time that Donny Dicus, who had played guitar in 1910 Fruit Gum Company and Stephen Stills Band, released "CHICAGO 12" and "CHICAGO 13" as the second guitarist after guitarist Terry Kath died in a gun accident in 1977, and a percussionist joined the band, making it an eight-person lineup. In ①, the vocals were shared by Cass, Lamb, and Cetera, but in the late 70s, Peter Cetera's position as the frontman was solidifying, and Donny Dicus' guitar and performance (as you can see from the image) seem out of place in Chicago, which was becoming a long-established rock band. It seems that he was laid off soon after this. Peter's singing voice is amazing, and "IF YOU LEAVE ME NOW" is an essential ballad for Chicago at this time. The last song, "STREET PLAYER," is also a 10-minute version that can be said to be a repertoire unique to this period. Unfortunately, the image is not bad, but the voice and the video are a little out of sync. This is a valuable historical video from the era (the slump?) just before it changed to AOR in the 80s and became popular on MTV.
I am listing these for sale as part of inventory management, but unfortunately I will not sell them separately. Please purchase as a set of two. Both discs were purchased on ! Auctions about 10 years ago. They have been carefully stored, and although the discs are clean, they have been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns will be accepted. I will strive to ship promptly.