中古 USED Long Sleeve T-shirt.
綿100% 黒長袖T-シャツ 日本製 サイズ表記なし
平置き素人採寸 丈 66 cm 幅 50 cm
1997年夏に NTT グループ傘下の NTT PC コミュニケーションズがスタートさせたインターネット・プロバイダ
少年が聞き耳をたてて「GIVE EAR TO THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES」と言うコピーが書かれています
大友克洋1988年、自作を元に自ら制作したアニメーション映画『AKIRA』は日本国外でも高い評価を得て、 「ジャパニメーション」と呼ばれる、日本国外における日本アニメムーブメントのさきがけとなった。
Cotton 100%, Long Sleeve, Black T-shirts , Made in Japan, No mention for size.
Amateur Mesurement: Length 66cm, Width 50cm
In the summer of 1997, NTT Communications which is the subsidary company of NTT started
Internet Provider Service as [InfoSphere]. This is the promational T-shirts at that time.
Newly drawn Mr.Katuhiro Ohtomo's illustraion was used, it is too luxsurious.
In the illsutraion, words of "GIVE EAR TO THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES" is witten.
This his illustrationis is not published in other medium.
It means perfectly virgin.
Mr. Ohtomo's signature as seal (red square one) was used.
It is impposible to get new T-shirts nowadays.
In 1988s, Animation Movie [AKIRA] by Mr.Ohtomo himeself made got highly reputation
domesticaly and internationaly.
It became pioneer of Japanese animation movemenrt and it was called as Japanimation.
This is an USED ones
All participants who are sensitive on conditions must refrain from bidding.