☆Load Balancer/A10 Networks AX2500!(#F2-509)「140サイズ」☆ 收藏
开始时间:12/29/2024 22:03:25
个 数:1
结束时间:01/02/2025 22:03:25
商品の説明 |
●商品名:A10 Networks AX2500 [AX2500-010]です(#F2-509)。 ●写真の通りの商品です。 ●Login:admin、Password:a10、Enable Password:無。 ●多少の擦り傷あり。 ●機器起動時は次の状態です。 AX2500 login: admin Password: [type ? for help] AX2500>en Password: AX2500#show version AX Series Advanced Traffic Manager AX2500 Copyright 2007-2009 by A10 Networks, Inc. 64-bit Advanced Core OS (ACOS) version 2.4.1-p3, build 2 (Jan-18-2010,17:06) Booted from hard disk primary image Serial Number: AX2505111005**** aFleX version: 2.0.0 Hard disk primary image (default) version 2.4.1-p3, build 2 Hard disk secondary image version 2.4.1-p3, build 2 Compact flash primary image (default) version 2.4.1-p3, build 2 Compact flash secondary image version 2.4.1-p3, build 2 Last configuration saved at Jun-27-2024, 03:20 Hardware: 8 CPUs(Stepping 5), Single 72G Hard disk Memory 4055 Mbyte, Free Memory 1854 Mbyte Current time is Jun-28-2024, 01:25 The system has been up 0 day, 0 hour, 1 minute AX2500#show environment Physical System temperature: 29C / 84F Fan1A : OK-low/med Fan1B : OK-low/med Fan2A : OK-low/med Fan2B : OK-low/med Fan3A : OK-low/med Fan3B : OK-low/med Fan4A : OK-low/med Fan4B : OK-low/med Right Power Unit(view from front) State: On Left Power Unit(view from front) State: On AX2500#show interface brief Port Link Dupl Speed Trunk Vlan MAC IP Address IPs Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mgmt Down auto auto N/A N/A 001f.a001.**** 1 1 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 2 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 3 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 4 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 5 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 6 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 7 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 8 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 9 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 10 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 11 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 12 Disb None None None 1 001f.a002.**** 0 AX2500#show interfaces Ethernet 1 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 2 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 3 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 4 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 5 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 6 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 7 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 8 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 9 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 10 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 11 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization Ethernet 12 is disabled, line protocol is down Hardware is GigabitEthernet, Address is 001f.a002.**** Internet address is, Subnet mask is Configured Speed auto, Actual unknown Configured Duplex auto, Actual unknown Member of L2 Vlan 1, Port is Untagged Flow Control is disabled, IP MTU is 1500 bytes Port as Mirror disabled, Monitoring this Port disabled 0 packets input, 0 bytes Received 0 broadcasts, Received 0 multicasts, Received 0 unicasts 0 input errors, 0 CRC 0 frame 0 runts 0 giants 0 packets output 0 bytes Transmitted 0 broadcasts 0 multicasts 0 unicasts 0 output errors 0 collisions 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0% utilization AX2500# AX2500#shutdown Shutting Down System Now !!! Proceed with shutdown? [yes/no]:yes Jun 28 01:28:21 (none) a10logd: [SYSTEM] AX ready to shutdown at 01:28:21 IST Fri Jun 28 2024 INIT: Sending processes started by init the KILL signal Shutting down..........umount: /dev/hda1: not found umount: /mnt/cf: not mounted umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted ...[ 262.829099] Power down.●使用されていた商品ですが、全機能を検証する環境が無い為、それ以上の動作は未確認です。 ●「電源が入らない」以外は、現状・ノークレーム扱いでの出品とさせて頂きます。 ●出品は、写真の商品本体+電源ケーブル×2本のみ、です。その他の付属品は一切ありません。 ●写真をご参照の上、ご入札のほど、宜しくお願いします。 ●送料は下記の「140サイズ」となります。 ●運輸業者は当方で決めさせていただきます。 ●上記の発送サイズは1台の場合です。複数同時発送の場合の送料はこちらからご連絡いたします。 ●中古のダンボールを使用する事より実際の発送サイズが異なる場合がございます。ご了承下さいませ。 ●東京都江戸川区西一之江の倉庫にてのお渡しも可能です。 ●その場合は、無梱包お渡しとなります。 ●営業時間は月曜日~金曜日、AM10:00~PM18:00となります。 ●第1.3.5土曜日のみ、11:00~15:00に限り、営業致します。 ●第2.4土曜日・日曜日・祝日は休みになります。 ●こちらからのご連絡は平日昼間のみとなります。 ●また、お取引後の評価ですが不要のお客様が多い為にこちらからは入れておりま せん。 ●評価が必要なお客様は取引メッセージにてのご連絡をお願い致します。
北海道 | 北東北 | 南東北 | 関東 | 信越 | 北陸 | 中部 | 関西 | 中国 | 四国 | 九州 | 沖縄 | ||
地域詳細 | 北海道 | 青森 岩手 秋田 |
宮城 山形 福島 |
茨城 栃木 群馬 埼玉 千葉 東京 神奈川 山梨 |
新潟 長野 |
富山 石川 福井 |
静岡 愛知 三重 岐阜 |
滋賀 京都 大阪 兵庫 奈良 和歌山 |
鳥取 島根 岡山 広島 山口 |
徳島 香川 愛媛 高知 |
福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島 |
沖縄 離島 |
60サイズ・2kgまで | 1,460円 | 1,060円 | 940円 | 940円 | 940円 | 940円 | 940円 | 1,060円 | 1,190円 | 1,190円 | 1,460円 | 1,460円 | |
80サイズ・5kgまで | 1,740円 | 1,350円 | 1,230円 | 1,230円 | 1,230円 | 1,230円 | 1,230円 | 1,350円 | 1,480円 | 1,480円 | 1,740円 | 2,070円 | |
100サイズ・10kg まで | 2,050円 | 1,650円 | 1,530円 | 1,530円 | 1,530円 | 1,530円 | 1,530円 | 1,650円 | 1,790円 | 1,790円 | 2,050円 | 2,710円 | |
120サイズ・15kgまで | 2,370円 | 1,970円 | 1,850円 | 1,850円 | 1,850円 | 1,850円 | 1,850円 | 1,970円 | 2,110円 | 2,110円 | 2,370円 | 3,360円 | |
140サイズ・20kgまで | 2,710円 | 2,310円 | 2,190円 | 2,190円 | 2,190円 | 2,190円 | 2,190円 | 2,310円 | 2,450円 | 2,450円 | 2,710円 | 4,030円 | |
160サイズ・25kgまで | 3,030円 | 2,630円 | 2,510円 | 2,510円 | 2,510円 | 2,510円 | 2,510円 | 2,630円 | 2,770円 | 2,770円 | 3,030円 | 4,680円 |
令和5年4月3日よりのヤマト運輸送料です。 |
出价者 | 信用 | 价格 | 时间 |