In her lavishly produced third book, accomplished editor and photographer Kelly Klein celebrates the myriad incarnations of the cross in photography of the past century.Here are images of the cross in both nature and the man-made world, in precious decorative objects and industrial architecture, in the shapes of the human body and the shapes of shadows.These pictures show how this most potent symbol can be transformed into the sacred, the ordinary, the profane, depending on its use and surroundings.This is the first book ever to distill the icon of the cross to its pure aesthetic essence, to explore its universal beauty. Photographs from the best photographers of the 20th century -- Richard Avedon, David Bailey, Fabien Baron, Erwin Blumenfeld, Nan Goldin, David Hockney, Horst, Andre Kertesz, Steven Klein, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Annie Leibovitz, Peter Lindbergh, Sally Mann, Robert Mapplethorpe, Mary Ellen Mark, Duane Michals, Tina Modotti, Francois Nars, Len Prince, Man Ray, Herb Ritts, Michael Roberts, Sebastiao Slagado, David Seidner, Bert Stern, Phil Stern, Paul Strand, Mario Testino, Michael Thompson, Ellen von Unwerth, Albert Watson, Bruce Weber, Edward Weston, among many others, are featured. A preface by Kelly Klein, as well as brief texts from a wide range of voices, including best-selling author Father Andrew Greeley, Barneys Creative Director Simon Doonan, W magazine's Chairman Patrick McCarthy, and New York Times contributor Bob Morris, speak of the cross's intriguing and unexpected meanings. Exquisitely designed and printed, Cross is the must-have book for the photography and fashion worlds and anyone interested in the visualization of a symbolic form.
サイズ:約312×263×32mm ハードカバー
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