01. Lavita E Commedia
02. Lavita E Commedia(Inst.)
03. Into The Past(With Words)
04. Into The Past
05. Shopmaster's Memory(With Words)
06. Shopmaster's Memory
07. My Name Is Kim Yang Gil(With Words)
08. My Name Is Kim Yang Gil
09. Mozart No.25 K.183 Allegro(With Words)
10. Reflection(With Words)
11. Oh! My God I(With Words)
12. Barbershop In Pouring Rain
13. It's Me(With Words)
14. It's Me(Inst.)
15. Oh! My God II(With Words)
16. Money! Money!(With Words)
17. Yang Gil's First Montage(Cello Ver.)
18. Yang Gil's First Montage(Accordiion Ver.)
19. Chase
20. Yang Gil's Subway Montage(Cello Ver.)
21. Yang gil's Subway Mantage(Accordion Ver.)
22. He's Name Is Kim Yang Gil(With Words)
23. If I(With Words)
24. Oh! My God III(With Words)
25. Windy Barbershop
26. Letter(Cello Ver.)
27. Letter9Accordinon Ver.)
28. Father's Wish(With Words)
29. Father's Wish(Inst.)
30. I Am Actor(With Words)
31. I Am Actor(Inst.)
32. Poor Player
33. Chang Jin Montage(With Words)
34. End Credit