HAO's Warden airsoft Blast Diffuser
Color: Coyote Tan
出品中のMAGPUL PTS Aggressor-Tに取付可能。
HAO's Warden airsoft Blast Diffuser is made of Stainless steel 304, same as our dummy suppressor.
Both ends welded (Picture 4th), capable standing high impact unlike normal airsoft spec product.
As always, HAO's quality.
Same QD function compatible with HAO's or RS : 3P/4P/SFCT muzzle brake
All products sold by HAO are intended for Airsoft use only. Other uses are prohibited. Any modification including painting, marking or wiping the cover/instruction stickers is prohibited, and may be a violation of law. Customers assume full legal liability for any modifications they perform, absolving HAO of any responsibility.
Stainless steel 304 made
Full functional QD detach/attach
Welding process
Cerakote in H series in Graphic Black/Coyote Tan