英語/シンガポール国立公園写真集「Naturally Yours, Singapore」Tan Wee Kiat/タン・ウィ・キャット(シンガポール国立公園前CEO)著 Chew Yen Fook撮影 1992年 The National Parks Board発行 100頁 27×25.9×1.5㎝ 0.83㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【National Parks HPより】Dr Tan Wee Kiat, CEO of NParks is retiring on 15 February 2006. He will be succeeded by Mr Ng Lang. Dr Tan joined the Civil Service in 1983. He was Executive Director of the former National Parks Board in 1990 and was appointed CEO of the reconstituted National Parks Board in July 1996. Under his helm, Dr Tan charted new directions for NParks by initiating several key projects such as the Streetscape Greenery Masterplan and Skyrise Greenery. To ensure that we can sustain our Garden City, Dr Tan embarked on the upgrading of the local horticultural and landscape industry through worker skills training and development, job redesign and mechanisation.
Dr Tan takes a passionate interest in the conservation of nature and biodiversity and through his tireless advocacy efforts, was able to raise the level of awareness amongst Singaporeans towards environmental issues. Under his stewardship, accessibility to nature areas like the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and Pulau Ubin was improved, and amenities like the MacRitchie Boardwalk and TreeTop Walk were put in place to enable the public to better appreciate our natural heritage.……
【A letter from Dr Tan Wee Kiat】DEAR YOUNG OFFICER, Never having been a young public officer, I would not presume to offer advice to any. When I first joined the Civil Service, I was already 40. A cautionary telling of this pilgrim’s progress through perilous passage in public servitude, however, could perhaps offer some titillation rather than platitudes.
In the early 1980s ? after having been in the US by myself since I was 17 ? I decided to return home. Having served nine years in helping to set up and run a new and innovative botanic institution in the second-ranking position, I had hit a glass ceiling: I was the wrong cast for the lead role in a conservative WASP (white Anglo- Saxon Protestant) community.……
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