洋書 変形性関節症(オックスフォード・メディカル出版)Osteoarthritis (Oxford Medical Publications) 2nd Edition
整形外科 医学書 第2版 専門書
Kenneth D. Brandt , Michael Doherty, L. Stefan Lohmander, Stefan Lohmander (編集)
Oxford Univ Press
2003年 第2版 (1998年初版)
洋書 : 英語
1 変形性関節症の定義と分類
2 変形性関節症の疫学
3 変形性関節症の経済学
4 変形性関節症の遺伝的側面
4.1 変形性関節症の遺伝に関する証拠
4.2 変形性関節症に関連する特定の遺伝子異常
4.3 変形性関節症の遺伝的関連を同定するための実験室的アプローチ
5 変形性関節症の病理学
6 変形性関節症の古病理学
7 変形性関節症の病態
7.1 はじめに:変形性関節症は二関節の障害であるという概念
7.2 変形性関節症の関節構造変化の病態
7.2.1 関節軟骨 正常および変形性関節症軟骨の生化学と代謝 正常および変形性関節症軟骨マトリックスのタンパク質分解 関節軟骨の修復 正常関節軟骨と変形性関節症関節軟骨の力学的特性、および軟骨細胞のメカノバイオロジー 機械的刺激に対する軟骨細胞の応答 結晶と変形性関節症
7.2.2 骨 変形性関節症の病態における軟骨下骨。力学的側面 変形性関節症の病因における軟骨下骨。生物学的影響 変形性関節症における骨の全身的変化
7.2.3 滑膜 変形性関節症における軟骨損傷と修復の滑膜メディエーター 変形性関節症の滑膜生理
7.2.4 神経筋系 関節の神経支配と変形性関節症におけるその役割 神経筋保護機構 変形性関節症における固有感覚
7.2.5 変形性膝関節症の自然史における局所力学的要因。マルアライメントと関節弛緩
7.3 変形性膝関節症における関節痛の病態
7.3.1 変形性膝関節症における末梢性および中枢性の疼痛メカニズム
7.3.2 なぜ変形性関節症の患者は痛むのか?
8 変形性関節症の臨床的特徴と診断への標準的アプローチ
8.1 徴候、症状および臨床検査
8.2 変形性関節症の単純X線写真の特徴
8.3 変形性関節症の自然史と予後
9 変形性関節症の管理
9.1 はじめに:包括的アプローチ
9.2 全身性鎮痛薬
9.3 変形性関節症の治療におけるNSAIDsの役割
9.4 変形性関節症の薬理学的管理における経済的考察
9.5 局所NSAIDs
9.6 外用カプサイシンクリーム
9.7 グルココルチコイドの関節内投与とその他の注射療法
9.8 関節内ヒアルロン酸注射
9.9 栄養療法
9.10 微量栄養素が変形性関節症に影響を及ぼすメカニズム
9.11 理学療法
9.11.1 変形性関節症患者に対する運動
9.11.2 その他の理学療法
9.12 変形性関節症患者に対する作業療法
9.13 患者教育
9.14 社会的支援
9.15 変形性関節症におけるうつ病
9.16 変形性関節症患者の対処戦略
9.17 変形性関節症関節の灌流
9.18 関節軟骨の保存と回復のための外科的アプローチ
9.19 人工関節置換術とその合併症
9.20 減量と変形性関節症
9.21 患者のアドヒアランス
10 変形性関節症におけるアウトカム評価:研究と臨床のための手引き
11 変形性関節症における関節破壊の薬理学的修飾の展望
11.1 OAにおける関節破壊の薬理学的修飾:必要なのか、できるのか、証明できるのか、良いのか?
11.2 疾患修飾性変形性関節症治療薬(DMOADS)
11.2.1 生物学的観点
11.2.2 臨床的観点
11.3 新規の疾患修飾性変形性関節症治療薬(DMOADS)の発見と評価における動物モデルの利点と限界
11.4 疾患修飾性変形性関節症治療薬(DMOADs)による治療患者における関節組織の変化の評価:転帰のモニタリング
11.4.1 レントゲン写真によるグレーディングシステム
11.4.2 X線写真の変化の定量化
11.4.3 磁気共鳴画像法
11.4.4 膝関節軟骨の関節鏡評価
11.4.5 骨シンチグラフィー
11.4.6 超音波検査
11.4.7 変形性関節症における分子マーカーの臨床的役割の定義と検証
12 変形性関節症の対症療法における構造修飾薬および新規薬剤の評価のための臨床試験のデザイン
A1 変形性関節症の分類と報告に関する米国リウマチ学会(ACR)の基準
A2 Lequesneの下肢機能指標
A3 WOMAC変形性関節症指数
A4 X線撮影のプロトコール
At a time when prevalance of osteoarthritis (failure of the joint) is increasing with an aging population it is timely to review the latest evidence and management strategies for optimal treatment of patients with this, the most common joint disease of mankind. A number of exciting new developments related to etiopathogenesis and management make it highly desirable at this time to publish a fully comprehensive authorative discussion of the risk factors, mechanisms of joint damage, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis and treatment of OA. A review of the current understanding of the management of this disorder and of the basic mechanisms involved provides the rationale for publication of this new fully-updated edition.
The book looks at the mechanisms for joint failure and how this may be due to abnormal cartilage or disease in underlying tissue. Significant coverage is given to exciting new evidence on disease-modifying drugs and methodologies for their outcomes evaluation. It is becoming increasingly recognised that optimal management of osteoarthritis requires a comprehensive program involving drugs and nonmedicinal components and, in some cases, surgery. Chapters on both non-surgical and surgical therapy are contained in the management section. The full coverage given in this book allows the physician to consider and choose the right blend of treatment for each patient from the range available whether physical, pharmacologic, surgical or supportive. The book is sympathetic to the significant differences that often exist between the perception of the patient and that of the physician regarding what's important in treatment and coverage is therefore given to the outcome measures needed for optimal evaluation of both.
Highly illustrated in full colour throughout this difinative text is written principally for the clinical rheumatologists, although primary care physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, allied health professionals, basic researchers, members of the pharmaceutical industry who are involved in drug research and development, and regulatory staff also should find it useful.
"Review from previous edition: This valuable book has the critical and social and basic information that sets the stage. Only books like this one, or reviews can pull it all together for us. I had looked forward to this book and regularly use it as a resource for both clinical and basic questions."--Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
List of contributors
1 Definition and classification of osteoarthritis 1
2 Epidemiology of osteoarthritis 9
3 The economics of osteoarthritis 17
4 Genetic aspects of osteoarthritis 23
4.1 Evidence for the inheritance of osteoarthritis 25
4.2 Specific gene defects associated with osteoarthritis 33
4.3 Laboratory approaches to the identification of genetic association in osteoarthritis 41
5 Pathology of osteoarthritis 49
6 Paleopathology of osteoarthritis 59
7 Pathogenesis of osteoarthritis 67
7.1 Introduction: the concept of osteoarthritis as failure of the diarthrodial joint 69
7.2 Pathogenesis of structural changes in the osteoarthritic joint 73
7.2.1 Articular cartilage 73 Biochemistry and metabolism of normal and osteoarthritic cartilage 73 Proteolytic degradation of normal and osteoarthritic cartilage matrix 82 Articular cartilage repair 93 Mechanical properties of normal and osteoarthritic articular cartilage, and the mechanobiology of chondrocytes 102 Response of the chondrocyte to mechanical stimuli 112 Crystals and osteoarthritis 120
7.2.2 Bone 125 Subchondral bone in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. Mechanical aspects 125 Subchondral bone in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. Biological effects 133 Systemic changes in bone in osteoarthritis 142
7.2.3 Synovium 147 Synovial mediators of cartilage damage and repair in osteoarthritis 147 Synovial physiology in the context of osteoarthritis 155
7.2.4 Neuromuscular system 161 Innervation of the joint and its role in osteoarthritis 161 Neuromuscular protective mechanisms 167 Proprioception in osteoarthritis 172
7.2.5 Local mechanical factors in the natural history of knee osteoarthritis. Malalignment and joint laxity 177
7.3 Pathogenesis of joint pain in osteoarthritis 185
7.3.1 Peripheral and central pain mechanisms in osteoarthritis 185
7.3.2 Why does the patient with osteoarthritis hurt? 189
8 Clinical features of osteoarthritis and standard approaches to the diagnosis 195
8.1 Signs, symptoms, and laboratory tests 197
8.2 Plain radiographic features of osteoarthritis 211
8.3 The natural history and prognosis of osteoarthritis 227
9 Management of osteoarthritis 235
9.1 Introduction: the comprehensive approach 237
9.2 Systemic analgesics 243
9.3 The role of NSAIDs in the treatment of osteoarthritis 251
9.4 Economic considerations in pharmacologic management of osteoarthritis 259
9.5 Topical NSAIDs 267
9.6 Topical Capsaicin Cream 273
9.7 Intra-articular glucocorticoids and other injection therapies 277
9.8 Intra-artiuclar hyaluronan injection 283
9.9 Nutritional therapies 289
9.10 Mechanisms by which micronutrients may influence osteoarthritis 293
9.11 Physical therapy 299
9.11.1 Exercise for the patient with osteoarthritis 299
9.11.2 Other physical therapies 305
9.12 Occupational therapy for the patient with osteoarthritis 311
9.13 Patient education 321
9.14 Social support 327
9.15 Depression in osteoarthritis 333
9.16 Coping strategies for the patient with osteoarthritis 339
9.17 Irrigation of the osteoarthritic joint 347
9.18 Surgical approaches to preserving and restoring articular cartilage 353
9.19 Arthroplasty and its complications 361
9.20 Weight loss and osteoarthritis 371
9.21 Patient adherence 375o, lo tienda
10 Outcome assessment in osteoarthritis: a guide for research and clinical practice 381
11 Prospects for pharmacological modification of joint breakdown in osteoarthritis 391
11.1 Pharmacological modification of joint breakdown in OA: Do we need it, can we do it, can we prove it, is it good? 393
11.2 Disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADS) 395
11.2.1 The biological perspective 395
11.2.2 The clinical perspective 401
11.3 Advantages and limitations of animal models in the discovery and evaluation of novel disease- modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADS) 411
11.4 Assessment of changes in joint tissues in patients treated with disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs): monitoring outcomes 417
11.4.1 Radiographic grading systems 417
11.4.2 Quantitation of radiographic changes 426
11.4.3 Magnetic resonance imaging 433
11.4.4 Arthroscopic evaluation of knee articular cartilage 451
11.4.5 Bone scintigraphy 456
11.4.6 Ultrasonography 462
11.4.7 Defining and validating the clinical role of molecular markers in osteoarthritis 468
12 Design of clinical trials for evaluation of structure modifying drugs and new agents for symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis 479
Appendices 489
A1 The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for the classification and reporting of osteoarthritis 491
A2 Lequesne's algofunctional lower limb indices 493
A3 WOMAC osteoarthritis Index 495
A4 Protocols for radiography 497
Index 501