英仏独語併記アイコン「Icons Paris Style: Exteriors Interiors Detailsパリスタイル」Angelika Taschen編 Deidi Schaewen写真 Taschen 2003年発行 192頁 US$9.99 0.4㎏ 19.8×14.5×1.3㎝ Softcover
【内容紹介】Bringing together the splendid, romantic portraits of authentic Old Paris by Eugene Atget with photographs of contemporary interiors, this compilation explores the city from opposite ends of the 20th century, revealing its enduring characteristics and distinctive style.
【著者について】・Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. ・Deidi von Schaewen, who has lived in Paris for thirty years, is a contributor to a range of international periodicals and a filmmaker, and has published numerous books. Her publications with TASCHEN include Indian Interiors, Fantasy Worlds, Gardens of Provence, and Inside Africa.
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