収録アルバム: 【Disc1】 [The Stooges] ├─ The Stooges (1969) └─ Funhouse (1970) [Iggy & The Stooges] ├─ Raw Power (1973) ├─ Metallic 2xKO (Live 73-74) (1988) └─ Rough Power (The Iguana Chronicles) (1994) [Iggy Pop] ├─ Lust For Life (1977) ├─ The Idiot (1977) ├─ Kill City (1978) ├─ TV Eye (Live' 77) (1978) ├─ Wild Animal (Live USA '77) (1993) ├─ New Values (1979) └─ Soldier (1980)
【Disc2】 ├─ Party (1981) ├─ Blah-Blah-Blah (1986) ├─ Instinct (1988) ├─ Brick By Brick (1990) ├─ Zombie Birdhouse (1991) ├─ Cold Metal (Live USA '88) (1992) ├─ American Caesar (1993) ├─ Arizona Dream (OST) (1993) ├─ Naughty Little Doggie (1996) ├─ Avenue B (1999) └─ Beat Em Up (2001)