♪輸入楽譜 First Book of Broadway Solos: Baritone/Bass ヴォーカル ヴォイス 音声アクセスコード付き ブロードウェイミュージカル 收藏
一口价: 2000 (合 97.80 人民币)
开始时间:12/27/2024 15:43:04
个 数:1
结束时间:12/28/2024 15:43:04
商品説明 | 内容など写真に掲載してありますのでご参照ください。 価格は25.99ドル+税。 発行年は----年です。 (Vocal Collection). This is the perfect first collection for many voice students, whether they are teens or college singers or adults. Joan Boytim has selected songs appropriate for each voice type, and has chosen keys that suit the vocal needs of novice singers studying in traditional, generally classical lyric singing. The editions of the songs in these collections are short and straight-forward. Teachers have found these books invaluable. To make the collections even more useful each volume includes access to online audio of piano accompaniments recorded by pianist Laura Ward. Contents: Comedy Tonight (from A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM) * Edelweiss (from THE SOUND OF MUSIC) * Get Me To The Church On Time (from MY FAIR LADY) * The Girl That I Marry (from the Stage Production ANNIE GET YOUR GUN) * Gonna Be Another Hot Day (from 110 IN THE SHADE) * How To Handle A Woman (from CAMELOT) * I Talk To The Trees (from PAINT YOUR WAGON) * I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face (from MY FAIR LADY) * If Ever I Would Leave You (from CAMELOT) * The Impossible Dream (The Quest) (from MAN OF LA MANCHA) * Just In Time (from BELLS ARE RINGING) * Leaning On A Lamp Post (from ME AND MY GIRL) * My Cup Runneth Over (from I DO! I DO!) * My Defenses Are Down (from the Stage Production ANNIE GET YOUR GUN) * Oklahoma (from OKLAHOMA!) * Some Enchanted Evening (from SOUTH PACIFIC) * Soon It's Gonna Rain (from THE FANTASTICKS) * The Surrey With The Fringe On Top (from OKLAHOMA!) * There Is Nothin' Like A Dame (from SOUTH PACIFIC) * They Call The Wind Maria (from PAINT YOUR WAGON) * This Nearly Was Mine (from SOUTH PACIFIC) * Try To Remember (from THE FANTASTICKS) * Wunderbar (from KISS ME, KATE) 郵メールであれば同梱など可能ですので送料などご不明な点などございましたらご質問お待ちしております。 -------------------------------- 同梱時のこちらの商品サイズ【8】 【数字の合計】が20まではゆうメールですと200円で同梱可能です。 1 ~20----180円~200円 21~40----300円~400円 41~60----400円~500円 |
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表紙は黒表紙のため擦れ目立ちます。 後は表紙譜面とも軽い折れがある程度です。 音声アクセスコードは未使用です。 |
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