輸入ヴォーカル ピアノ用楽譜 Nancy Lamott: Original Keys for Singers ナンシー・ラモット 收藏
一口价: 1300 (合 64.35 人民币)
开始时间:01/31/2025 12:58:17
个 数:1
结束时间:02/01/2025 11:58:17
♪発行年-----年 ♪価 格-19.99ドル+税 ♪曲目♪内容♪レベルなど♪ (Vocal Piano). When Nancy LaMott died, at the age of 43, in 1995, she left behind five magnificent CDs filled with classic songs, beautifully arranged and played by her music director, Christopher Marlowe. She also left behind numerous other recordings of her signature songs, which through the years have been, and will continue to be, released as posthumous CDs. Over the years, I, as her producer, have received many requests for those arrangements from singers and fans all over the world. Now at last, thanks to Hal Leonard, many of Nancy's most famous arrangements are available in one book, exactly as Christopher Marlowe played them. David Friedman. We're pleased to present this collection of 16 LaMott standards, including: Autumn Leaves * Downtown * I Got the Sun in the Morning * I Have Dreamed * It Might As Well Be Spring * Just in Time for Christmas * Moon River * No Moon at All * Old Devil Moon * Out of This World * Skylark * So in Love * Some Children See Him * The Surrey with the Fringe on Top * That Old Black Magic * When October Goes. 同梱もお受けいたしますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 この本は厚さがあるため同梱により送料に変化生じる可能性があります。 ダメージ説明 表紙ダメージ-日焼け(なし) スレ(あり) 折れ(軽度) 開き癖(なし) ♪背表紙に数ミリの破れがあります。 譜面ダメージ-日焼け(軽度) 端折れ(軽度) | |
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