【Disc1】 ├─ 1991 Twelve Frets to One Octave ├─ 1992 Live In Bahia ├─ 1993 Bolero CD ├─ 1993 Fallen Angel ├─ 1994 I'll Be Over You ├─ 1996 Sketches of Coryell ├─ 1997 Spaces Revisited └─ 1998 Cause And Effect (with Tom Coster, Steve Smith)
【Disc2】 ├─ 1999 Monk, Trane, Miles & Me ├─ 1999 Private Concert ├─ 2000 Music Without Boundaries (with Hariprasad Chaurasia) ├─ 2000 New High ├─ 2000 The Coryells ├─ 2001 Count's Jam Band Reunion (with Steve Smith, Steve Marcus & Kai Eckhardt) ├─ 2002 Cedars Of Avalon └─ 2002 Moonlight Whispers