英語/動く絵本アニモーション2冊「①Baby Turtle's Tale/海亀の赤ちゃんのお話+②Lights Out,Night's Out/夜のとばりが降りると」①Elle J. Mcguinness(文), Romi Caron (絵) ② William Boniface(文),Milena Kirkova(絵) Accord Publishing 2009年発行 1.47㎏(2冊で) 以下各26×21×3.2㎝ 26頁 US$17.99 Hardcover
【①内容紹介】This is something to "sea" and read. Full-color ani-motion technology comes alive and propels <I>Baby Turtle's Tale, a lovely and touching story about a baby sea turtle hatching and making his way in the underwater world.<P>Elle McGuinness, the author of the well-received <I>Bee and Me, takes us on the sea turtle's adventures from the beach to the reunion with his family on the coral reef.<P>Ages 4 and up<P>A timely turtle tale. <P>* <I>Baby Turtle's Tale will appeal to young readers interested in preserving the environment and helping the plight of endangered species like sea turtles.<P>Features an educational appendix of fun and interesting facts about sea turtles
【②内容紹介】Lights Out, Night's Out takes readers on a nighttime safari to see the world through the eyes of clever nocturnal critters ranging from hedgehogs and hippos to frogs and fireflies.<P>High definition fluorescent inks, exclusive to this collection, appear in both page illustrations and animation windows to heighten visual contrasts between late-night imagery and the colorful creatures that play across the book's twilight canvas. Such vividly depicted illustrations paired with Accord's full-color AniMotion windows, literally bring the story to life, while author William Boniface hints at slumber through his lyrical verse.
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