これらの第二次世界大戦の銀錠、特にナチスドイツの銀錠は、主にオーストラリア海域で発見され、歴史的な記録があります1941年、ドイツのHSK Kormoran巡洋艦は商船に変装して、オーストラリア海域で作戦を行いましたが、その後、オーストラリアのHMAS Sydney巡洋艦と出会い、オーストラリア海域で沈没しました。しかし、1943年までは、いくつかの軍艦が撃沈されたことを記載していませんが、1940年-1943年に集中している銀錠だけでなく、いくつかの日本の第二次世界大戦の銀錠、我々は、日本がドイツから購入する可能性があると推測されている武器、装備、ドイツのナチスが日本の占領地域のゴム、鉱物などの貿易、これらの銀錠を使用しています。
First of all, our submarine salvage company was founded in 1999, by Japan, Taiwan, Singapore three companies jointly established, we can salvage gold and silver ingots, because we have a patented technology, a kind of magnet only to the gold and silver, so we can find the bottom of the sunken ship, or scattered gold and silver, we generally in the Taiwan Strait, as well as the South China Sea, Work in Australian waters, of course, due to legal issues in various countries, the specific location of operation we are confidential.
This World War II silver, especially German Nazi silver, is mainly found in Australian waters, there is a historical record in 1941, the German HSK Kormoran cruiser disguised as a merchant ship, fighting in Australian waters, but later met with the Australian HMAS Sydney cruiser, sinking together in Australian waters. However, there is no record that some warships were sunk until 1943, and the silver ingots we recovered are only concentrated in 1940-1943, and there are also some Japanese silver ingots during World War II. We guess that these ingots may be used by Japan to buy weapons and equipment from Germany, or by German Nazis to buy rubber, minerals and other trade from the Japanese occupied areas.