America Alive for macintosh Bringing the Experience to Life(CD-ROM)の出品です。このガイドディスクは、家庭や仕事に欠かせないものであり、
アメリカで最高の場所への旅行計画を立てましょう。America Alive GUIDisc is an entertaiming multimedia
experience ,providing a valuable resource for education
or business travel and vacation planning.
A click of the mouse brings the American experience to life.
Travel from Florida to Alaska or Hawaii to New York,stopping
for exciting tours of cities such as Washington D.C.,
San Francisco,and Las Vegas.
Feel the thi1l of major attractions from Marine World and
Magic Mountain in California to Universal Studios and
Sea World in Florida.
Walk in Carlsbad Cavems,go to the depths of Death Valley or
view the majesty ofthe Grand Canyon.The rivers and lakes,
the mountains and canyons, the forests and plains,have all
been captured by the artistic eye of talented photographers
and filmmakers.
More than 75 maps,50 movies,1500 photos,and original music,
placing at your fingertips all 50 statcs,major U.S. cities,
attractions and national prarks.
The America Alive experience is for the individual who wants
to appreciate the beauty of Amcrica's diverse cultures,
natural environments, vibrant cities,and fun lifestyles.
This guide disc is a must for home or、work,and a valuable
possession for fun family learning.
Enjoy movies,music,and photographs.
Make your travel plans to the best places in America.
Enjoy your experience!
Minimum Configuration
Macintosh LC with color monitor,4MB RAM,
System6.0.7 or later,CD Porta-Drive or
Apple compatible CD-ROM drive.
1.America Alive CD-ROM(英文簡易マニュアル付き)------1枚 以上