英語動物ペット「What Philosophy Can Tell You about Your Dog/哲学が語る愛犬の魅力」Steaven D. Hales編 Open Court 2008年初版 303頁 US$14.95 0.44㎏ 22.8×15.2×1.9㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】Do dogs live in the same world as humans? Is it wrong to think dogs have personalities and emotions? What are dogs thinking and what’s the nature of canine wisdom? This is a book for thoughtful dog-lovers who want to explore the deeper issues raised by dogs and their relationships with humans. Twenty philosophers and dog-lovers reveal their experiences with dogs and give their insights on dog-related themes of metaphysics and ethics.
【レビュー】"A collection of thought-provoking philosophical essays which cover a whole range of dog-related topics, such as whether dogs have the ability to appreciate designer products, do they have souls, why do they mean so much to us ? and is it possible for them to love us in the same way? With contributions from numerous authors, there’s plenty of food for thought although not all of it is comfortable!"
【著者について】Steven D. Hales is professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg University. He is the editor of Beer and Philosophy and the author of Relativism and the Foundations of Philosophy.
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