90年代、slipknotやkornなどヘヴィロック全盛期と呼ばれた頃に出てきたバンドの1つ、professional murder musicのTシャツです。
20年ほど前にLAST BANDITにて購入しました。バンドTシャツの中でも、人とかぶることが考えられない1枚かと思います。
ご検討 宜しくお願い致します。
状態:USED サイズ:XL
Thank you for watching.
This is a T-shirt from professional Murder music, one of the bands that came out in the 1990s when heavy rock was called the heyday of slipknot and korn.
Even CDs, let alone T-shirts, are rarely listed on Auction and Frima Site.
I bought it at Last Bandit about 20 years ago.Among the band T-shirts, I think it's unthinkable to wear them with people.
This is just average USED, so we look forward to receiving bids from those who understand secondhand clothing.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you.
states:USED size:XL
The measurements are as follows.
Shoulder width: approximately 62 cm
Width: Approximately 63 cm
Clothes length: approximately 72 cm
Sleeve length: approximately 22 cm
(As this is an amateur measurement, please forgive the error.)
*This is not new, so please refrain from bidding if you are looking for a complete product, don't understand the USED product, or are nervous.
*Please take a good look at the explanation and ask questions if you have any questions.If you agree, please bid with no claim and no return.
*We are also exhibiting outdoor brands, street brand clothing, old manga and various genres of CDs, so please take a look at them if you like band T-shirts.