英語軍事ケンブリッジ大学出版「Understanding Modern Warfare(2nd Edition)現代戦の理解(第2版)」Cambridge University Press 2017年第2版第2刷 目次他16頁+482頁 0.98㎏ 24.5×17.3×2.3㎝ Paperback
【著者紹介】David Jordan, King's College London/James D. Kiras, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Maxwell Air Force Base Alabama/David J. Lonsdale, University of Hull/Ian Speller, National University of Ireland, Maynooth/Christopher Tuck, King's College London/C. Dale Walton, Lindenwood University, Missouri
【内容紹介】Understanding Modern Warfare has established itself as the leading introduction to the issues, ideas, concepts and context necessary to understand the theory and conduct of warfare in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It is an invaluable text for military professionals and students of military history. Key features include: incisive coverage of the debates surrounding contemporary and future warfare; accessible, yet sophisticated, discussion across the land, sea, and air environments; and coverage of contemporary topics such as drones, cyber warfare, and hybrid warfare. The book makes extensive use of text boxes to explain key concepts and to reference extended examples, and it includes annotated guides to further reading and key questions to promote the reader's further thinking. This second edition has been fully revised and updated to take into account new debates and recent events in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine, and it has also been restructured to further improve its usefulness as a teaching tool.