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【希少レア盤】Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman/Music for Children (Schulwerk)1957年録音子供のための、子供が歌い演奏するアルバム
【希少レア盤】Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman/Music for Children (Schulwerk)1957年録音子供のための、子供が歌い演奏するアルバム [浏览原始页面]
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【希少レア盤】Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman/Music for Children (Schulwerk)1957年録音子供のための、子供が歌い演奏するアルバム

【希少レア盤】Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman/Music for Children (Schulwerk)1957年録音子供のための、子供が歌い演奏するアルバム

2013/6/25発売 輸入盤
Trunk Records(JBH0-48CD)




01. Cuckoo, Where Are You? - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
02. Pat-A-Cake - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
03. Meena, Deena - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
04. Name-Calling - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
05. Street Cries - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
06. Tinker, Tailor - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
07. Bobby Shaftoe - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
08. Little Tommy Tucker - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
09. Bye Baby Bunting - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
10. Improvisation 1 - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
11. Improvisation 2 - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
12. Tommy's Fallen in the Pond - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
13. Tom Tom the Piper's Son - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
14. My Little Pony Needs New Shoes - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
15. The Baker Is Baking - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
16. Trees and Flowers - Children of the Italia Conte School
17. Ensembles - Children of the Italia Conte School
18. Instrumental for Tuned Glasses, Glockenspiel and Violoncello - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
19. Ding, Dong - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
20. The Day Is Now Over - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
21. Small Hand Drum - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
22. Big Barrel Drum and Small Hand Drum - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
23. Piece in 3/4 Time for Hand Drums, Barrel Drums and Wood Block - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
24. The Grand Old Duke of York - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
25. Oliver Cromwell - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
26. The Campbells Are Coming - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
27. Instrumental Piece I - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
28. Instrumental Piece II - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
29. Instrumental Piece III - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
30. Instrumental Piece IV - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
31. Instrumental Piece V - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
32. Instrumental Piece VI - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
33. Instrumental Piece VII - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
34. Instrumental Piece VIII - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
35. Instrumental Piece IX - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
36. Instrumental Piece X - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
37. Where Are You Going to My Pretty Maid - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
38. Alleluja - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
39. Old Angus McTavish - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
40. Instrumental Rondo - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
41. Boomfallera/Curly Locks - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
42. Sleep, Baby Sleep - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
43. Three Instrumental Pieces I) (For Glockenspiels, Matallphones and Violoncello) - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
44. Three Instrumental Pieces II) (For Glockenspiels, Matallphones and Violoncello) - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
45. Three Instrumental Pieces III) (For Glockenspiels, Matallphones and Violoncello) - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
46. Cradle Song - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
47.Ostinato Piece - in Four-Four Time - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
48. Ostinato Piece - in Three-Four Time - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
49. Ostinato Piece - in Four-Four Time - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
50. Dance, Lassie Do - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
51. Mary, Helen, Caroline - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
52. Instrumental Dance - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
53. A Farmer Went a Trotting - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
54. Bear Dance - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
55. Simple Simon - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
56. Five Ostinato Pieces I - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
57. Five Ostinato Pieces II - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
58. Five Ostinato Pieces III - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
59. Five Ostinato Pieces IV - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
60. Five Ostinato Pieces V - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
61. Fabian, Sebastian - Children of the Italia Conte School
62. Three Blind Mice - Children of the Italia Conte School
63. O My Deir Hert - Children of the Italia Conte School
64. O Hush Thee, My Babie - Children of the Italia Conte School
65. Five Fools in a Barrow - Children of the Italia Conte School
66. Percussion Exercises I) for Percussion Instruments - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
67. Percussion Exercises Iv) Stamping, Clapping and Knee Slapping - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
68. Percussion Exercises V) for Drums - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
69. Saint Matthie - Children of the Italia Conte School
70. Thistles - Children of the Italia Conte School
71. How to Treat a Horse - Children of the Italia Conte School
72. A Tempest - Children of the Italia Conte School
73. Apple Howler's Song - Children of the Italia Conte School
74. Stones - Children of the Italia Conte School
75. Witches Scene from MacBeth - Children of the Italia Conte School
76. Summer Is Icumen in - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
77. Instrumental Piece 1 - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
78. Two Dances I - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
79. Two Dances II - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
80. King Herod - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
81. Instrumental Piece 2 - Children's Instrumental Ensemble
82. Girls and Boys Come Out to Play - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
83. Flute Cadenza - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
84. Song for Good Friday - Chorus of the Children's Opera Group
85. Instrumental Piece 3 - Children's Instrumental Ensemble

1957年に録音された、子供のための、子供が歌い演奏するアルバム。暖かい音。 ドイツの教授Carl Orffが、ヨーロッパで人気となった教育方法オルフ・メソッドのデモンストレーションとして製作した音源。 子供たちへ音楽や楽器の楽しさを伝えようというもの。 合唱やアカペラを中心に、木琴、鉄琴、ピアノ、パーカッション、シンバル、等、 様々な楽器がトラックごとに使用されていて、1トラックは1分未満が殆どで85トラック収録。 綺麗過ぎず、雑過ぎず、内容も音も素晴らしい録音。 作り手の音楽への愛と、子供たちの音や歌への純真さが、音に詰まっている傑作。














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地址: 205-0023 東京都羽村市神明台