アーティスト名:ヴァリアス・アーティスツ/Various Artists
タイトル:『チェス・リズム&ロール』/"Chess Rhythm & Roll"
限定ボックス・セット/The Chess Club カード付き状態:美品(1度聴いたのみ)/CDs 盤面・プラケース・豪華64ページ・ブックレット 新品同様
/ボックス本体 多少スレなどあり
*ゆうパック送料は下記URL をご参照ください。
The Artists, The Songs
99-Song Retospective of Chess Rock 'n' Roll and Rhythm & Blues - 1947 to 1967.
Classic Hits and 39 Rarities, Including 14 Previously Unreleased.
64-Page Booklet --- Complete Credits, Liner Notes and Historic Photos.
(以下、Amazon レヴューより)
Compiled with the same care and attention to detail as the landmark
Chess Blues box set, this set presents the rhythm & blues side of Chess Records and,
in many ways, is the more entertaining of the two.
Ninety-nine tracks cover the label's astonishing breadth of jump blues combos,
vocal groups, and rock & roll pioneers.
You can't help but be overwhelmed by all this great music.
The work of giants like Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley sounds even more exciting
in context with underrated gems from the likes of the Moonglows, Paul Gayten,
and the Dozier Boys.
No one is going to deny the greatness of Jackie Brenston's "Rocket 88"
or Etta James's breathtaking performance on "At Last."
But you haven't lived until you've laughed at Roscoe Gordon's "Booted,"
sung broken falsetto to Clarence "Frogman" Henry's immortal "Ain't Got No Home,"
or wrung tears from your hanky to the ambient strains of the Corsairs' gorgeous "Smokey Places."
The Moonglows/ザ・ムーングロウズ
The Four Tops/ザ・フォー・トップス
Chuck Berry/チャック・ベリー
Bo Diddly/ボ・ディドリー
Etta James/エタ・ジェイムス