英語(+日語)米文学「Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Illustrated/ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険:イラスト・資料付き」Mark Twain/マーク・トウェイン著 Thomas Cooley編 A Norton Critical Edition第3版 1999年版 序他11頁+目次他12頁+本文284頁+資料102頁 0.86㎏(2冊で) 23.3×14.2×3.1㎝ Paperback
【編者紹介】Thomas Cooley is Emeritus Professor of English at The Ohio State University. He is the author of articles and books on American literature, including The Ivory Leg in the Ebony Cabinet: Madness, Race, and Gender in Victorian America and Educated Lives: The Rise of Modern Autobiography in America. He is also the editor of Back to the Lake, The Norton Sampler, and other textbooks in rhetoric and composition.
【内容紹介】Contexts and Sources" provides readers with a rich selection of documents related to the historical background, language, composition, sale, reception, and newly discovered first half of the manuscript of Mark Twain's greatest work. Included are letters on the writing of the novel, excerpts from the author's autobiography, samples of bad poetry that inspired his satire (including an effort by young Sam Clemens himself), a section on the censorship of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by schools and libraries over a hundred-year period, and commentary by David Carkeet on dialects of the book and by Earl F. Briden on its "racist" illustrations. In addition, this section reprints the full texts of both "Sociable Jimmy," upon which is based the controversial theory that Huck speaks in a "black voice," and "A True Story, Repeated Word for Word As I Heard It," the first significant attempt by Mark Twain to capture the speech of an African American in print.……
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