英訳日本文学「二十四の瞳Twenty-four Eyes」壺井栄著 Akira Miura訳 TUTTLE 1982年初版 1700円+税 目次他8頁+244頁 0.38㎏(2冊で) 20.3×13×2㎝ Paperback Dustjacket *角川文庫日語原著(近藤勝也描き下ろしカバー・中古・並・無料)を同梱いたします。ご不要でしたら取引ナビにてお知らせください。
【裏表紙より内容紹介】Twenty Four Eyes is a deeply pacifist Japanese novel based on the perversion and inhumanity of modern war. Set on Shodoshima, a small island in the Inland Sea, and covering a twentyyear period embracing prewar, wartime, and early postwar Japan, it centers on the relationship between a primary school teacher, Miss Oishi, and the twelve island children (the twentyfour eyes of the title) in her first class.
In the course of the novel, Miss Oishi faces problems of acceptance by the children and their parents, then ideological criticism from the educational authorities, then wartime privations and losses in her family and among her pupils. The book concludes with a tearful graduation reunion between the bereaved teacher and her original pupils, whose ranks are sadly depleted by the suffering of the past decade.
Differences of class, gender and political opinion are finally rendered less important than a common experience of suffering. Twenty Four Eyes first published in Japanese as Nijushi no Hitomi in 1952, immediately became a bestseller. It was made into a film two years later by Keisuke Kinoshita, a leading director, winning Best Film of the year. In 1987, it was filmed for a second time.
【著者について】 Sakae Tsuboi (1900-67) was born into a large family on Shodo Island in the Seto Island Sea. After finishing grade school, she worked as a clerk to help support her family before moving to Tokyp in 1925, where she married the proletarian poet and writer Shigeji Tsuboi, who was later to be imprisoned for his views. Partly influenced by his ideas and partly out of necessity, she began to write novels as well as children's stories for magazines. Her writings became very popular for their warm humanity and humor and received many literary prizes.
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