英語/日本文学J「芥川龍之介短篇小説集/Ryunosuke Akutagawa Japanese Short Stories」 小島嶽(翻訳) チャールズ・イー・タトル商会 2017年版(1981年タトル版初版)発行 1500円+税 224頁+カット15枚 130×203×19mm 0.24㎏ Paperback
【内容紹介】 Japanese literature, the stories in this anthology are perfect examples of the decadent aesthetic, with the gorgeous and the grotesque, the splendid and the sordid intertwining in highly polished prose. Among them are 'The Hell Screen' a story comprising qualities of horror, the grotesque, and the macabre; 'A Clod of Soil,' a provocative tale of the relationship of an old woman and her ambitious daughter-in-law; 'Nezumi-Kozo (The Japanese Robin Hood)', a humorous and delightfully sardonic account of an experience on Kyoto Road one stormy nights; 'Genkaku-Sanbo,' a psychological study of an old man's acceptance of the inevitability of death and his striving to speed it along; 'The Spider's Thread,' a delicately written fable illustrating the Buddhist concept of the state of harmony which exits between Nature and Gautama Buddha in Paradise; and 'The Nose,' in which a Buddhism monk finds life difficult with his oversized nose.
【内容紹介】児童文学の名作「蜘蛛の糸」説話文学から題材をとった「鼻」、「地獄変」に加え、ユーモラスで冷笑を生む「鼠小僧次郎吉」、晩年の作品「玄鶴三房」など、芥川の美しく退廃的な代表作10 篇を収録した短編集。 (他に「お富の貞操」、「世之介の話」、「好色」、「蜜柑」、「一塊の土」を含む。)
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