英語インテリア「10 Principles of Good Interior Design良いインテリアデザインの10原則」Vinny Lee著 Vivays Publishing 2011年発行 216頁 0.56㎏ 22×17×1.6㎝ Paperback
【表紙より内容紹介】Why do some interiors feel harmonious, places where you feel comfortable to relax or to entertain? You don't necessarily need to hire a professional interior designer to create the kind of place where you want to live. This book provides the basic rules and principles of interior design, the skeleton on which to build a successful scheme and an enjoyable living space. The ten areas outlined give direction and inspiration to those starting a scheme from scratch or reinventing an existing space. This book is for students of interior design, decorators, anyone looking for guidance in decorating and furnishing their home. The author: Vinny Lee is the author of over twenty books on interiors and design, including The Essential Guide to Decorating, Innovative Interiors, The Bathroom Design Planner, and Recycled Spaces: Converting Buildings into Homes.
【著者について】Vinny Lee is the author of over twenty books on interiors and design, including The Essential Guide to Decorating, Innovative Interiors, The Bathroom Design Planner, and Recycled Spaces: Converting Buildings into Homes.
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